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Monday, July 28, 2008

July Report for Aquarius

Aquarius (21 Jan ~ 19 Feb)
Fixed Air. Your ruling planets are Uranus and Saturn.

The times they are changing for you right now, Aquarius. You are making some active moves this month toward self-transcendence, although you may not realize what they are just yet. An important step is being taken in some part of your psyche. After major reconsiderations over these past few weeks of your very identity and the roots of your creativity also, you are more than ready to move ahead with important initiatives and new sets of plans. These schemes and dreams are more active at soul than surface level and may gently push your conscious mind into powerful new directions. The universe that drives your actions is ever empty, like the hub of a wheel, and yet full of potency, and always surprising.

As the month begins, there is a feeling of plugging yourself in more fully to the world around you. This is an important first two weeks of the month for you, as you spring-board off the energy of the New Moon of July 2nd taking place in your sector of discipleship to your highest intention for yourself. You are metaphorically putting your best foot forward at this time. Your values are slowly changing along the lines of deeper spiritual commitment; whether you are always entirely aware of this simple yet inescapable fact. The First Quarter Moon that comes along in the middle of the following week, on Wednesday, July 9th, represents a crux of change, when you will feel the heat of new conclusions adding themselves up in your mind and feel the weight of circumstance that seems to be directing or at least offering guidelines to the arc of your development. You are perhaps also becoming more aware, at this juncture, of old patterns of behavior that have ruled your life from below the level of your conscious attention for many years now. These behaviors, stemming from early childhood, are no longer viable for you in your present circumstance but represent a knee-jerk set of reactions that you bring to bear without quite knowing how it happened. Simply accepting these walled-off parts of yourself goes a long way toward healing these issues and coming to a greater level of integration. Your heart mind and body are as one, in all reality, and can function that way to your benefit so long as they are not sidetracked by the voices of the long-dead past. The Full Moon of the week following, taking place on Friday, July 18th, may represent a resolution of these issues and serves to connect outer circumstances with the mysteries of your inner world. The Last Quarter Moon of Friday the 25th signals a time when you will come to some interesting conclusions regarding the previous three weeks just past, and represents in the words of astrologer Dane Rudhyar a "crisis of awareness." Significant others in your life may come into the picture in a new way for you at this time. This entire last half of the month is a stage that may be characterized as one of contemplation rather than direct action, and a period when you will be gathering your energies for an exciting month of August to come.

July Report for Pisces

Pisces (20 Feb ~ 20 Mar)
Mutable Water. Your ruling planets are Neptune and Jupiter.

This is the summer of your triumph, Pisces. This month gives you the green light for moving ahead with changes you have contemplated these many weeks but not yet fully acted upon. You have been dwelling within the deep confines of your innermost soul, finding your way through to some fascinating home truths, and now you are ready to emerge from your cocoon and sing your most authentic song of yourself. There is a strong spiritual component to all your striving at this time. You win so long as you don't mistake undercover activity for lack of progress. Later in the month, your forward momentum swings into high gear with the aid of partnership mentoring that helps you to define your own way forward.

As the month begins, with the New Moon in your sector of creative self-expression, you are feeling your way forward into a better sense of how you want to participate in the world around you, based on realizations that have been coming to you from an interior perspective of your unique place in the world. Although you must meet the world on its own terms in one sense, and "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's", there is a growing recognition on your part that beyond all collusion with a physical world not of your own making there is a still small place inside yourself that is yours, and yours alone. That part has its own logic and its own concern for a deeper truth. And you are meeting self in your own fashion yet again during the course of this month. There might be some tension in your process at the time of the First Quarter Moon that comes along mid-week on July 9th. This is a time when you must face potential limitations in what you are attempting and also when you are imbued by a strong sense of what is possible beyond these limitations. Surprising events that arise may serve to clarify your aims, even as they present challenges to your ability to accomplish what you are intending. Transformation at this time may also come your way through the agency of others in your life that serve to mentor you. The Full Moon of Friday, July 18th, provides an opportunity to rise above the battle and adopt a faith-based approach, and signals a period when you may be more ready to share with others the fruit of your own process. This can be an effective way for you to get a better handle on that process for yourself. By the moment of the Last Quarter Moon of the 25th you are putting your conclusions to work for you in determining how your inner wisdom might be able to take you forward in a way that does not compromise your highest intentions for yourself as near as you can define that intention. Your life these days is like a trust-fall, in which in order to make progress you have to believe in the ultimate beneficence of the universe to sustain you in spite of the dangers.

July Report for Aries

Aries (21 Mar ~ 20 Apr)
Cardinal Fire. Your ruling planet is Mars.

You have a somewhat difficult month ahead of you, Aries. The conjunction of your ruler Mars with stern taskmaster Saturn over the first three weeks of July means that activity is stilled or obstacles present themselves in the way of achievement. Although your energy for home and family concerns is high, your activities in the outer world won't perhaps come to very much, at least until you eventually work your way through the missteps and the roadblocks. After July 22nd, there is a distinct shift and life becomes much easier. It pays you to remember that every obstacle is a challenge to rise above, and that you are far more, always, than the mere summary of your outer accomplishment.

As the month begins, the Cancer New Moon of July 2nd pulls you toward the inside. Home and family concerns predominate at this time, and issues that hold you true to your psychological core values. You are making an optimistic assessment that the most important qualities of your life are in sufficient supply, in spite of any and all contrary indications. With the additional intention to get your day-to-day life more closely aligned with your highest intention for yourself moving forward, it pays you to remember that even though life sometimes hands you lemons and forward momentum is difficult to achieve these days, keeping faith with yourself and with the lemonade that you can manufacture out of your situation will bring you long-term rewards. Your allegiance to yourself and your principles might be tested even further at the time of the First Quarter Moon in the middle of the following week, on Wednesday, July 9th. This is a time when the rubber meets the road in terms of what you are attempting, and when also you might feel additional constraints on your physical activity increasing the pressure. You are challenged to be patient at this time, and to forge ahead in spite of obstacles. There are patterns of insufficiency that are perceived rather than actual, and that may become more conscious for you in this process. As with all us humans, you sometimes proceed on the basis of misinterpretations of the events in your life, or trigger points, stemming from the wounds of early childhood. It is fundamentally important to acknowledge these cast off parts of yourself. This is the beginning of being able to transcend them and move toward greater self-acceptance in the process. As Leonard Cohen memorably puts it: "there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." By time of the Full Moon time of Friday, July 18th, you may be more ready to move on and to accept what can't be changed. There is a fundamental optimism in you at this time that gets stronger as the last half of the month unfolds; a powerful faith in way that the universe is working itself out though you, for the highest good.

July Report for Taurus

Taurus (21 April ~ 21 May)
Fixed Earth. Your ruling planet is Venus.

This is a rather wild and crazy month for you, Taurus. An optimistic first week leads to the temptation to overdo, although this is definitely not the best time to over-extend yourself. Then, with the July 9th Quarter Moon in the middle of the second week in the month, spiritual transformation emerges as your true calling. You win when you see the situation that you are in right now as a springboard for transcendence. Over the next few weeks, breakthrough is more than possible as you consider future plans not so much from the standpoint of collective values but from what feels entirely right for you.

As the month begins, you are exploring new perspectives with an idea of going beyond previous limits, finding a new way out, although you are no doubt also feeling a strong sense of responsibility right now that holds you to your commitments. The Cancer New Moon of July 2nd, takes place in your communications sector, and you are likely to be sharing your process with Important figures in your life, one way that may help you to triangulate your position to your ultimate advantage. All through this month, your partnership dynamic with significant others is going through a profound evolution, although the changes taking place inside you may not be obvious until much later. One way that this will manifest is in your own creative output, which is more solid than ever, although perhaps a bit frustrating at times. Your lesson in this area is to forge ahead no matter what the effort, as this will ensure that you reach the peak you are striving for, and that your eventual reward will be a long-lasting one. With the First Quarter Moon that comes along on Wednesday, July 9th, there might be even more struggle to achieve your objectives, although your enthusiasm is also undiminished and will see you through. Over the next few days, from the 10th to the 12th, partnership in your life will become more important for you and also more pleasant, as you settle in with homey considerations superseding outer world concerns. The Full Moon of the following week, taking place on the 18th, represents both a flowering of creativity and a difficult passage, as limitations may become obvious that were inherent in your situation all along. You gain a fresh perspective on what you are up to these days through these trials however. Throughout the last half of the month, your passion for your work in the world is contagious. You may feel a sense of the ideal performance that becomes so compelling that nothing less will satisfy you at this time, a feeling that only becomes stronger as the end of the month approaches.

July Report for Gemini

Gemini (22 May ~ 21 June)
Mutable Air. Your ruling planet is Mercury.

It is a new you that you are facing with this monthly transition, Gemini. You are transforming once again at the very core of your being in order that you get the most out of your varied experience. The basic optimism of your situation is compelling, as you journey toward a renewed faith in yourself and a better understanding of what makes you tick. Reaching for greater emotional connection with others, you may find a deeper connection with yourself in the process. You are delving down into your depths for a very different take on things that takes the spaces between your words more fully into account, rather than the words themselves.

As the month begins, you might find yourself in edgy circumstances or at least unexpected ones. The period of the retrograde of your ruler Mercury has not fully passed until the end of this first week of July, and the issues that were present for you over the previous five weeks are in some ways only just now coming to a useful conclusion. Since Mercury has been in collusion with Uranus over this entire period, one of its hallmarks has been a tendency for unexpected events to sidetrack your days and this characteristic might return over the first few days of July. The deeper purpose of unexpected events is to shock your system out of its customary slumber, even if only for a moment, and to open you to a wider vision of what is possible, what one writer has called the "freedom from the known." These first days of the month are also of course also the occasion for the New Moon, which takes place on July 2nd in your resources sector. This makes for a fresh start with finances as well as with other forms of physical security, and the potential is there for unexpected windfalls during this time. Anything that is started during this period will have greater momentum than usual, although course corrections may be necessary later on. One especially dicey period in this regard is the few days surrounding the July 9th First Quarter Moon, when the potential is there in any case for mis-steps, and when additional pressure might be symbolized for you by Mercury changing signs the very next day. This is a time when you might more clearly see the inherent limitations of a particular position that you have taken as recently as the previous week, and when adjustments might have to be made an to your original stance. The Full Moon of the following week, taking place on Friday, July 18th, is likely to be a much happier and more peaceful time, when you are stimulated to share your story with others and when your optimism runs high for fairy tale solutions that could actually come true as long as you remember not to look down. During the last half of the month you find yourself in a philosophical stance and more ready to communicate your intention to others around you.

July report for Cancer

Cancer (22 June ~ 23 July)
Cardinal Water. Your ruling planet is The Moon.

This is the month of your coming-out party, Cancer, as your birthday time of the year continues. You have come through a period of internal reflection and spiritual meditation and now you shine in not only your own light but with the reflected light of others around you as well. Everything conspires to the celebratory feeling. Though your communication process with others around you is slowed down, it is perhaps more seriously productive as a result. You are finding that the point of view that comes to you through the understanding of others' minds enhances and enlivens your own, and lends you strength as well to resist being completely taken in and losing your own place in the dance.

As the month begins you are energized by the July 2nd New Moon in the middle degrees of your sign. This is likely to be a powerful month for you, starting as it does with an extra shot of lunar energy. Since the Moon is your ruler, this month may bring your basic identity as an emotional being to you even more strongly. The New Moon and Venus also stand opposite optimistic Jupiter in your partnership sector and it is likely that significant others in your life are an important part of the picture for you right now. Since this New Moon also takes place at the very beginning of July, it is interesting to detail the sections of its cycle: the building energy from the 2nd to the 17th, when it is natural to begin new projects and to focus on achievement, and as well the waning phases from the 18th to the end of the month. This latter part of July is a time when you are naturally oriented to take the productions of the previous two weeks as food for thought and to make use of the conclusions that come up for you in order to seed the potential ventures of the following cycle. With the First Quarter Moon of July 9th, just in the middle of the building phases, there is normally a moment of tension and greater concentration on your progress toward your goals, and this time it is especially powerful. With aspects forming to Jupiter and Chiron there are likely to be issues regarding the impart of partnership in your life that come to a head at this time. Throughout this month you are growing in your awareness of relationship patterns that are sometimes beneficial for you and sometimes not, and at this time you may be forced into a closer examination of this area of your life. Relationship with others is certainly a tricky issue for you right now, as it is for everyone since it defines our very humanity. You are essentially a social being, and it matters to you how you connect with others around you, partly as a pointer for how you connect with yourself at our deep center, and with Source. Yet you cannot give way to living exclusively for others to the detriment of taking your own power and authority. These issues may come to a head for you during the crucial First Quarter Phase, and reach some kind of resolution a week later at the time of the Full Moon of July 18th. This is another important point in the cycle when you will feel the tidal pull of others in your life. The Last Quarter Moon of the 25th signals a philosophical period of increased understanding based on the information that you have gained. This last half of the month is a good time for getting clearer on your intentions at this time and on your goals in general, preparing for an entirely different take on the events of your life that will accompany the next cycle.

July Report for Leo

Leo (24 July ~ 23 Aug)
Fixed Fire. Your ruling planet is The Sun.

You are in a deep place of internal revolution these days, Leo, trancing out for the sake of your soul purpose. You are coming around for a second or a third time to some basic issues that you have perhaps skipped over or treated lightly in the past and seriously evaluating their proper place in your universe. Life direction is your focus right now, and your soul intention as well, to be found by connecting the process of your life up with the spiritual values to which you ultimately aspire. You are darkly preoccupied for the time being, but all this mystical contemplation is preparation for some serious partying after the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd.

As the month begins, with the July 2nd New Moon in your sector of dream imagination, you are feeling your interior depths. Your actual dreams may be vivid and more compelling than usual at this time, and you are psychically attuned to others as well as to the angel guides of your own inner nature. Although you are mostly removed from the feeding frenzy of physical plane events at this time, seeing them through a glass darkly, you are filled with an inner vision that can inform and calm your more ordinary eyesight. There is a process of increasing awareness going on beneath the surface that leads you to a more informed conclusion on where your life is taking you right now, to your great advantage. This factor of ultimate destination may even more pronounced at the time of the First Quarter Moon a week later, on the 9th. Then you might also be aware of dysfunctional patterns of relationship behavior that have run your life from below as it were for some time now. There is an opportunity at this time to transcend these patterns or at least to acknowledge and accept them, which is half the battle. You are also likely at this point to be struggling somewhat to achieve your more ordinary objectives. Money may also be an issue. Things go better for you when you let that part of your life take care of itself and place your faith in the beneficence of the universe to provide. The Full Moon of Friday, July 18th may bring with it a sense of completion in this regard. The Last Quarter Moon a week later, on the 25th, also arrives with an increase in overall awareness of your true situation. You are coming into a newly formed sense of self and your world based on the information gained from your mental wandering, preparing for a subsequent breakthrough in August. The next month begins with a bang for you with a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in your sign on August 1st, presaging a significant monthly cycle to come; one when your place in the world might be seen to be a reflection of a deeper process of identity than the one provided by consensus thinking.

July Report for Virgo

Virgo (24 Aug ~ 23 Sept)
Mutable Earth. Your ruling planet is Mercury.

This is a good month to make your move, Virgo. Everything lately has been building up to this moment. With the reflective period of the Mercury retrograde now past, this is an excellent time to set your intention in a fully committed manner. Life may not seem so easy right now, but you are getting the best input that the cosmos has to offer for figuring out what it is that you truly want. The first two weeks of the month are perfect for visioning future plans. Be careful what you wish for at this time because you are likely to get exactly what you focus on. You will proceed slow and steady and right on target, the more so the more you take yourself fully seriously and center yourself in your process.

As the month begins, you are focused on achievement. You are completing a phase of activity that extended over the previous five weeks and that has lead you all over the map in your search for the truth of what you are up to in this body, and at this time of your life. You are future-oriented, and with the advent of the New Moon of July 2nd you have an excellent opportunity to vision new possibilities for yourself into being. The power of intention is very available to you at this particular juncture, namely that when you set your course firmly on an idea the universe flows out to you in response in ways that are consistent with your highest aspirations for yourself. This is the information that was contained in the popular book and DVD called The Secret. You are also perhaps at this time feeling the impact of surprising activity on the part of friends and colleagues or important partners in your life. You have been meandering along some very interesting highways and byways over this last month based partly on this type of input, which has the effect of shaking you out of your established rut toward something entirely different and enlightening you, always of course to the extent that you can allow yourself to open to what you receive. All in all, it is a very different prospect that you are seeing for yourself these days than you were in the mid-May time frame. As you get going this month with some great ideas for where your future could lead you, with Saturn also poised in your sign there are also inevitable setbacks that you will encounter. There is a long-lasting and essentially positive impact to whatever you carry forward right now, one that comes with the expenditure of an unusually high degree of effort that it is good to be aware of. Your difficulties come to a head during the First Quarter Moon of Wednesday, July 9th. At this time you might encounter the greatest obstacles in making your dream a reality, but if you keep your focus on the deeper aspects of your process you will be rewarded in the long run. The Full Moon of the following week, taking place on Friday, July 18th, signals a powerful and optimistic time for you when you will find the fullest self-expression that may be possible for you right now, and when you are more inclined to bring others into the idea of what you are about right now. The last half of the month provides an opportunity to think deeply about your current experience and to place it into a context of awareness that is consistent with your growing understanding of the universe and the place that you occupy with it.

July Report for Libra

Libra (24 Sept ~ 22 Oct)
Cardinal Air. Your ruling planet is Venus.

This month is your time to sparkle all right, Libra, and you're shining from the inside out. You are kicking off new action in terms of outer world events and career initiatives. After mulling over your possibilities and reviewing your beliefs and goals, this month you are ready to take it to the streets in terms of outer world activity. As you do, with your best foot striding forward, your other foot still remains behind, in-dwelling with your deep interior connection to the cosmos. That is exactly how it should be. Like the remainder of the iceberg once the tip has been spotted, the most important part of your process remains unseen.

As the month begins, with the New Moon in your career sector, you are exercising yourself in terms of your presence on the public stage of outer achievement. You are very optimistic right now, and very concerned with home and family as well as being out there in the world. There may be developments in your professional life at this time, and you are also engaged in a process of digging down into the core of your being, looking for answers to questions that are difficult to formulate into words. As the course of this month unfolds, you are therefore following a process of achievement that is not strictly along the lines of work priorities but represents a blend with more personal issues. By the time of the First Quarter Moon taking place a week later, on Wednesday the 9th, a form of tension may surface in the personal development that you promoting for yourself, some events that reveal where there might be inherent limitations in what you are attempting. You are concerned with very basic factors of your identity at this time, and with coming to greater awareness of old patterns of interaction that stem for early experiences and that may be holding in the present moment. These also affect your partnerships with others, and with your own inner strength, so that coming to a greater acceptance and understanding of yourself at these deeper levels is of ultimate importance for your peace of mind. By the time of the Full Moon in the following week, taking place on Friday, July 18th, some part of your process is ready to complete, although something of course remains yet to be discovered. In the following weeks, under the waning Moon, you are mulling over your possibilities and your most inspired intentions for yourself, preparing for important new advances in your thinking that will come in August. This last half of the month is a time of gathering and reflecting on the information that comes to you as a result of these musings. You are kicking off a voyage of discovery that takes you to socially connected parts of yourself and to your own inner world as well, and this is indeed a rich journey.

July Report for Scorpio

Scorpio (23 Oct ~ 22 Nov)
Fixed Water. Your ruling planets are Mars and Pluto.

You are pulling hard this month for a future that you can really live with, Scorpio. Perhaps it is not so surprising that this idea springs directly from your recent inner struggles and perambulations. You have been lead into new realizations lately by a circuitous route through the depths of your own heart. Others in your life are important to you right now, and mirror your process, although by no means do they supply any part the ultimate solution that you seek. That path is for your steps alone to follow. Later on in the month, inspired communication within the circle of your peers leads you further still into your own epiphany.

As the month begins, you find yourself both dedicated to establishing yourself in a position where you can be of true service to the surrounding collective and having some difficulty in making it happen, or at least not as quickly as you would like it to. This is a deeply philosophic time period for you and everything that happens to you right now is grist for your mental mill. As you puzzle over where you are headed you equally are putting your mind to work on where these ideas fit into the bigger picture. The New Moon that begins the month on July 2nd supplies energy for your process of growth and understanding. The conjunction, also at this time, of your ruler Mars with stodgy Saturn in you sector of wishes and hopes provides a frustratingly slowing effect that increases the pressure in your mind and heart but does not allow rapid movement. The tension may come to a head around the time of the First Quarter Moon of Wednesday, July 9th, when you encounter further snags in what you are trying to accomplish and when your will to be different is strong as you explore your own unique solution to your process of change. This is also a time when your core issues may become more exposed to the light of higher awareness, with ultimately beneficial results. From this mid-week period up to the time of the Full Moon late in the following week, taking place on Friday, July 18th, your communication is very positive and upbeat as you find the right note for yourself by outlining your position with others verbally or in writing. Journaling is an excellent practice for you. The Last Quarter Moon that comes along on Friday, July 25th, is a time of summing up the period of the previous three weeks when you can take powerful lessons forward into the future. You are preparing for a major emergence into action by the end of the month as you bring forward the insights gained during these last two weeks fully to bear.

July Report for Sagittarius

Sagittarius (23 Nov ~ 21 Dec)
Mutable Fire. Your ruling planet is Jupiter

It's a difficult road that you have ahead of you Sagittarius, at least in some ways. When the going gets tough, some are motivated and some just float on past the turbulence. You are doing a little bit of both right now. Your outer world concerns are challenging and very rewarding in the long run, but it may require a ton of hard work to pull it off. Underneath all that surface tension however lies the still small voice of your inner process which remains steady within the torrent and provides you with an exciting perspective from which to view the kaleidoscopic ever-changing world all around you. What is more, this viewpoint contributes directly to your spiritual transformation which after all this time is still mightily unfolding.

As the month begins, with the Cancer New Moon of Wednesday, July 2nd, you find yourself in a process of growth spurred on by the building energy in your sector of intimacy and personal transformation. You have been for many months now getting your best and most expansive level act more firmly together, aligning your personal identity with universal principles from your higher Self. This month takes you into a new dimension of this on-going arc of development. Your ruler Jupiter currently lies opposite the Sun and Moon, and you will experience issues of self and other as the month unfolds that help you to better understand your own more fully. A crucial moment in this process will come with the Last Quarter Moon of Wednesday, July 9th, when you will likely encounter some bumps in the road that might serve you by further defining your character. You are very focused on outer achievement as a means of self-expression at this time, and also faced with unusually momentous challenges in making your plans work out. The extra effort required will be abundantly re-paid since the edifice that you are building is a long-lasting one. You may also encounter some glitches with peer-to-peer interaction at this juncture that expose patterns of mis-communication and mis-application of your verbal powers. These come up for you at this time for the purpose of recognition and eventual healing. The emotional ground beneath your feet is necessarily shaky right now but you will be all the stronger for it when the dust has finally settled. The Full Moon that comes along a week later, on Friday, July 18th, takes you to another bend in your road and a clearing that allows you some breathing space. The last half of the month may be largely focused on the philosophical implications of what you have experienced with an eye to improving your alignment with your highest intentions and your plans going forward, and your connection to Spirit inside as well.

July Report for Capricorn

Capricorn (22 Dec ~ 20 Jan)
Cardinal Earth. Your ruling planet is Saturn.

Partnership with others around you is your current mantra, Capricorn, you who are so used to going it alone. This does not mean that you are giving over your individuality. On the contrary, you are finding more sides of yourself to explore than ever, partly with the help of those around you. Their perspective enhances your own, really, as you find a bit of yourself in all that you encounter within the psyches and the minds of important partners in your life. Incredible and exciting new viewpoints are sprouting like mushrooms in the little visited area of your deep unconscious and you do well to pay heed to them whenever they grace you with their presence and emerge, however briefly, into the light.

As the month begins, you are feeling an active sense of participation with significant partners in your life and with taking on a big picture viewpoint that includes more facets of yourself than is normally given credit for in the linear and literally-minded culture that surrounds you. You have been mulling over how your life fits together with your higher purpose for the last month or so and this current time frame may provide some answers to even your unspoken questions. The New Moon that practically begins the month on Wednesday July 2nd gives you a fresh start in all these areas, and particularly in the area of your relationship connections. Others can be helpful to you right now in the very sense of their otherness, since different viewpoints than your own can aid you in forging new pathways for yourself. The days around the First Quarter Moon of the middle of the following week, taking place on July 9th, represent a very interesting period of time when you will feel compelled by circumstances to toughen up your attitude and either as they say, put up or shut up with respect to the process in which you are currently engaged. This is also a time period when old patterns of behavior from your early life may come to your attention for acceptance and recognition as part of an important process of renewal. Your very identity is linked in some profound fashion to your core beliefs and your interior process and you do well to recognize it. At the time of the Full Moon taking place a week later on Friday, July 18th, there will be both a form of resolution and a continuation of this edge, one that takes others in your life more fully into account as a stepping-stone to your own process of increasing self-awareness. Through these last two weeks of the month you are exploring new ways of being in and understanding more completely the world around you.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

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