July Report for Pisces
Pisces (20 Feb ~ 20 Mar)
Mutable Water. Your ruling planets are Neptune and Jupiter.
This is the summer of your triumph, Pisces. This month gives you the green light for moving ahead with changes you have contemplated these many weeks but not yet fully acted upon. You have been dwelling within the deep confines of your innermost soul, finding your way through to some fascinating home truths, and now you are ready to emerge from your cocoon and sing your most authentic song of yourself. There is a strong spiritual component to all your striving at this time. You win so long as you don't mistake undercover activity for lack of progress. Later in the month, your forward momentum swings into high gear with the aid of partnership mentoring that helps you to define your own way forward.
As the month begins, with the New Moon in your sector of creative self-expression, you are feeling your way forward into a better sense of how you want to participate in the world around you, based on realizations that have been coming to you from an interior perspective of your unique place in the world. Although you must meet the world on its own terms in one sense, and "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's", there is a growing recognition on your part that beyond all collusion with a physical world not of your own making there is a still small place inside yourself that is yours, and yours alone. That part has its own logic and its own concern for a deeper truth. And you are meeting self in your own fashion yet again during the course of this month. There might be some tension in your process at the time of the First Quarter Moon that comes along mid-week on July 9th. This is a time when you must face potential limitations in what you are attempting and also when you are imbued by a strong sense of what is possible beyond these limitations. Surprising events that arise may serve to clarify your aims, even as they present challenges to your ability to accomplish what you are intending. Transformation at this time may also come your way through the agency of others in your life that serve to mentor you. The Full Moon of Friday, July 18th, provides an opportunity to rise above the battle and adopt a faith-based approach, and signals a period when you may be more ready to share with others the fruit of your own process. This can be an effective way for you to get a better handle on that process for yourself. By the moment of the Last Quarter Moon of the 25th you are putting your conclusions to work for you in determining how your inner wisdom might be able to take you forward in a way that does not compromise your highest intentions for yourself as near as you can define that intention. Your life these days is like a trust-fall, in which in order to make progress you have to believe in the ultimate beneficence of the universe to sustain you in spite of the dangers.
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