July Report for Aries
Aries (21 Mar ~ 20 Apr)
Cardinal Fire. Your ruling planet is Mars.
You have a somewhat difficult month ahead of you, Aries. The conjunction of your ruler Mars with stern taskmaster Saturn over the first three weeks of July means that activity is stilled or obstacles present themselves in the way of achievement. Although your energy for home and family concerns is high, your activities in the outer world won't perhaps come to very much, at least until you eventually work your way through the missteps and the roadblocks. After July 22nd, there is a distinct shift and life becomes much easier. It pays you to remember that every obstacle is a challenge to rise above, and that you are far more, always, than the mere summary of your outer accomplishment.
As the month begins, the Cancer New Moon of July 2nd pulls you toward the inside. Home and family concerns predominate at this time, and issues that hold you true to your psychological core values. You are making an optimistic assessment that the most important qualities of your life are in sufficient supply, in spite of any and all contrary indications. With the additional intention to get your day-to-day life more closely aligned with your highest intention for yourself moving forward, it pays you to remember that even though life sometimes hands you lemons and forward momentum is difficult to achieve these days, keeping faith with yourself and with the lemonade that you can manufacture out of your situation will bring you long-term rewards. Your allegiance to yourself and your principles might be tested even further at the time of the First Quarter Moon in the middle of the following week, on Wednesday, July 9th. This is a time when the rubber meets the road in terms of what you are attempting, and when also you might feel additional constraints on your physical activity increasing the pressure. You are challenged to be patient at this time, and to forge ahead in spite of obstacles. There are patterns of insufficiency that are perceived rather than actual, and that may become more conscious for you in this process. As with all us humans, you sometimes proceed on the basis of misinterpretations of the events in your life, or trigger points, stemming from the wounds of early childhood. It is fundamentally important to acknowledge these cast off parts of yourself. This is the beginning of being able to transcend them and move toward greater self-acceptance in the process. As Leonard Cohen memorably puts it: "there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." By time of the Full Moon time of Friday, July 18th, you may be more ready to move on and to accept what can't be changed. There is a fundamental optimism in you at this time that gets stronger as the last half of the month unfolds; a powerful faith in way that the universe is working itself out though you, for the highest good.
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