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Monday, July 28, 2008

July Report for Libra

Libra (24 Sept ~ 22 Oct)
Cardinal Air. Your ruling planet is Venus.

This month is your time to sparkle all right, Libra, and you're shining from the inside out. You are kicking off new action in terms of outer world events and career initiatives. After mulling over your possibilities and reviewing your beliefs and goals, this month you are ready to take it to the streets in terms of outer world activity. As you do, with your best foot striding forward, your other foot still remains behind, in-dwelling with your deep interior connection to the cosmos. That is exactly how it should be. Like the remainder of the iceberg once the tip has been spotted, the most important part of your process remains unseen.

As the month begins, with the New Moon in your career sector, you are exercising yourself in terms of your presence on the public stage of outer achievement. You are very optimistic right now, and very concerned with home and family as well as being out there in the world. There may be developments in your professional life at this time, and you are also engaged in a process of digging down into the core of your being, looking for answers to questions that are difficult to formulate into words. As the course of this month unfolds, you are therefore following a process of achievement that is not strictly along the lines of work priorities but represents a blend with more personal issues. By the time of the First Quarter Moon taking place a week later, on Wednesday the 9th, a form of tension may surface in the personal development that you promoting for yourself, some events that reveal where there might be inherent limitations in what you are attempting. You are concerned with very basic factors of your identity at this time, and with coming to greater awareness of old patterns of interaction that stem for early experiences and that may be holding in the present moment. These also affect your partnerships with others, and with your own inner strength, so that coming to a greater acceptance and understanding of yourself at these deeper levels is of ultimate importance for your peace of mind. By the time of the Full Moon in the following week, taking place on Friday, July 18th, some part of your process is ready to complete, although something of course remains yet to be discovered. In the following weeks, under the waning Moon, you are mulling over your possibilities and your most inspired intentions for yourself, preparing for important new advances in your thinking that will come in August. This last half of the month is a time of gathering and reflecting on the information that comes to you as a result of these musings. You are kicking off a voyage of discovery that takes you to socially connected parts of yourself and to your own inner world as well, and this is indeed a rich journey.


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