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Monday, July 28, 2008

July Report for Leo

Leo (24 July ~ 23 Aug)
Fixed Fire. Your ruling planet is The Sun.

You are in a deep place of internal revolution these days, Leo, trancing out for the sake of your soul purpose. You are coming around for a second or a third time to some basic issues that you have perhaps skipped over or treated lightly in the past and seriously evaluating their proper place in your universe. Life direction is your focus right now, and your soul intention as well, to be found by connecting the process of your life up with the spiritual values to which you ultimately aspire. You are darkly preoccupied for the time being, but all this mystical contemplation is preparation for some serious partying after the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd.

As the month begins, with the July 2nd New Moon in your sector of dream imagination, you are feeling your interior depths. Your actual dreams may be vivid and more compelling than usual at this time, and you are psychically attuned to others as well as to the angel guides of your own inner nature. Although you are mostly removed from the feeding frenzy of physical plane events at this time, seeing them through a glass darkly, you are filled with an inner vision that can inform and calm your more ordinary eyesight. There is a process of increasing awareness going on beneath the surface that leads you to a more informed conclusion on where your life is taking you right now, to your great advantage. This factor of ultimate destination may even more pronounced at the time of the First Quarter Moon a week later, on the 9th. Then you might also be aware of dysfunctional patterns of relationship behavior that have run your life from below as it were for some time now. There is an opportunity at this time to transcend these patterns or at least to acknowledge and accept them, which is half the battle. You are also likely at this point to be struggling somewhat to achieve your more ordinary objectives. Money may also be an issue. Things go better for you when you let that part of your life take care of itself and place your faith in the beneficence of the universe to provide. The Full Moon of Friday, July 18th may bring with it a sense of completion in this regard. The Last Quarter Moon a week later, on the 25th, also arrives with an increase in overall awareness of your true situation. You are coming into a newly formed sense of self and your world based on the information gained from your mental wandering, preparing for a subsequent breakthrough in August. The next month begins with a bang for you with a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in your sign on August 1st, presaging a significant monthly cycle to come; one when your place in the world might be seen to be a reflection of a deeper process of identity than the one provided by consensus thinking.


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