July report for Cancer
Cancer (22 June ~ 23 July)
Cardinal Water. Your ruling planet is The Moon.
This is the month of your coming-out party, Cancer, as your birthday time of the year continues. You have come through a period of internal reflection and spiritual meditation and now you shine in not only your own light but with the reflected light of others around you as well. Everything conspires to the celebratory feeling. Though your communication process with others around you is slowed down, it is perhaps more seriously productive as a result. You are finding that the point of view that comes to you through the understanding of others' minds enhances and enlivens your own, and lends you strength as well to resist being completely taken in and losing your own place in the dance.
As the month begins you are energized by the July 2nd New Moon in the middle degrees of your sign. This is likely to be a powerful month for you, starting as it does with an extra shot of lunar energy. Since the Moon is your ruler, this month may bring your basic identity as an emotional being to you even more strongly. The New Moon and Venus also stand opposite optimistic Jupiter in your partnership sector and it is likely that significant others in your life are an important part of the picture for you right now. Since this New Moon also takes place at the very beginning of July, it is interesting to detail the sections of its cycle: the building energy from the 2nd to the 17th, when it is natural to begin new projects and to focus on achievement, and as well the waning phases from the 18th to the end of the month. This latter part of July is a time when you are naturally oriented to take the productions of the previous two weeks as food for thought and to make use of the conclusions that come up for you in order to seed the potential ventures of the following cycle. With the First Quarter Moon of July 9th, just in the middle of the building phases, there is normally a moment of tension and greater concentration on your progress toward your goals, and this time it is especially powerful. With aspects forming to Jupiter and Chiron there are likely to be issues regarding the impart of partnership in your life that come to a head at this time. Throughout this month you are growing in your awareness of relationship patterns that are sometimes beneficial for you and sometimes not, and at this time you may be forced into a closer examination of this area of your life. Relationship with others is certainly a tricky issue for you right now, as it is for everyone since it defines our very humanity. You are essentially a social being, and it matters to you how you connect with others around you, partly as a pointer for how you connect with yourself at our deep center, and with Source. Yet you cannot give way to living exclusively for others to the detriment of taking your own power and authority. These issues may come to a head for you during the crucial First Quarter Phase, and reach some kind of resolution a week later at the time of the Full Moon of July 18th. This is another important point in the cycle when you will feel the tidal pull of others in your life. The Last Quarter Moon of the 25th signals a philosophical period of increased understanding based on the information that you have gained. This last half of the month is a good time for getting clearer on your intentions at this time and on your goals in general, preparing for an entirely different take on the events of your life that will accompany the next cycle.
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