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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August Report for Libra

Libra (24 Sept ~ 22 Oct)
Cardinal Air. Your ruling planet is Venus.

This is an important month for you Libra, determining whether you can put your mind and your mouth where your heart is. You are future-oriented at this time, sorting through the pieces of your past in order to reconstruct the basis for your life anew from a truly idealistic standpoint. An entirely blue-skies approach will naturally have its practical drawbacks, but the benefit of this time for you lies in precisely this same sense of naive optimism. A tricky mid-month period leads to lasting advantage by month's end, constituting a rebirth when you will put your vision into real-world practice, building your edifice upon the rock of inner faith.

As the month begins, with the Solar Eclipse taking place in your sector of group associations and future plans, you are likely thinking about goals and opportunities. The way that you fit yourself into society around you is very present to your mind at this time, since you don't want to be a cog in the wheels of machinery that you do not fully support. With the current political and economic climate you might be dismayed and also excited by the possibilities for a better and a cleaner world, and seeking to know how to do your part, or you could be imagining a different approach to your job or social groups that you favor. You are very idealistic right now, and perhaps reeling a bit from the lightening-like appearance of new information that shows you where you need to go, if only you have the good luck and the right timing and as well the courage to get there. This is an excellent time to set intention, since whatever it is that you sincerely wish for at this time has the uncanny power of coming true. The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 8th, may feel like trouble in paradise but it may also serve to clarify your aims. This is in some ways a difficult period, but in some ways a blessing since you will find out what you are up against. With the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Saturday, August 16th, you will come to a culmination of sorts, putting a capital on what you have been dreaming up over the previous two weeks. You are ready to share your ideals with others at this time, still partaking of a mystical attunement with your inner world, and with the goals of the universe working themselves out in you. The Last Quarter Moon a week further on brings with it an implicit understanding of where you are headed exactly right and where you might be off the beam somewhat. Through it all weaves a dependency on the working out of Spirit in your life as a primary step, and perhaps in the last analysis the most significant one of all.


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