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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August Report for Scorpio

Scorpio (23 Oct ~ 22 Nov)
Fixed Water. Your ruling planets are Mars and Pluto.

You are in for an exciting journey this month Scorpio, and a potentially confusing time as well, as you explore the roots of your being along with your more obvious outer world presentation. The very beginning of the month kicks off a period that is intense and magical and very active with the Solar Eclipse in your career sector. This brings a powerful emphasis to professional and working life concerns while you are also energized to envision new goals for yourself with startling and sudden clarity. Deep within your soul however you may feel a cloudy perception beginning to form that all is not right with your basic premise and you benefit when you choose to pay close attention to these feelings and explore them fully, in spite of the many distractions.

As the month begins, you are very involved with outer manifestation. The Solar Eclipse that takes place on the very first day of the month in your career sector stimulates you in important ways to be totally present with your achievement orientation while at the same time honoring yourself at a deeper level. You are seized with a new vision for future possibilities that grows stronger as the month wears on. Although in some ways you are far more external than internal right now, there is at the same time a mystical side to your nature that is calling out for your attention. The smart money is on taking this call very seriously, since the inner feeds the outer like your two eyes match each other in focusing on a distant promontory. At the time of the First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 8th, you might encounter a few glitches in your plan. A conflict may arise between public and personal goals, or important partnerships in your life could pose temporary roadblocks to your pre-conceived mission statement. These may cause you to re-evaluate where you are going and the desirable route to take to get there. Over the entire week leading up to this juncture, it is also likely that surprising information surfaces rather suddenly, and causes you to make necessary course corrections. Taking a more well-rounded approach is always recommended. It is important to take your personal evolution into account since you are changing every day and you can no longer step again into the same river, much as you might try to hold a steady and fixed image of yourself. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that comes along a week later, on Saturday, August 16th, may clear the air somewhat and yet cause sparks to fly as you attempt to adjust to a new way of looking at things. These trials may however also aid in providing an integrating factor between the outer and inner parts of your spiritual anatomy. A reliance on Spirit is blossoming within you at this time, antithetical to the outer trappings of business as usual but somehow in support of it as well. Another phase to your ultimate understanding of your situation arrives over the next two weeks, a time that is less significant in terms of activity and more in wisdom gained. This is a confusing time in your life, all in all, and the mid-month period of the Luna Eclipse may also reinforce this viewpoint, but you win when you take everything that happens as it comes, as something given, a fluid offering from the universe to direct to you in your own best interest, however appearances might seem to indicate to the contrary.


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