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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August Report for Virgo

Virgo (24 Aug ~ 23 Sept)
Mutable Earth. Your ruling planet is Mercury.

You are in for a wild ride this month, Virgo, partaking of both mundane world activity and interior meditation. Unexpected partnership interactions may fuel the fires of both sides of your process. The month begins with a bang, although a softly unfocused one, as the Solar Eclipse taking place in your sector of dream imagination makes you very aware of inner over outer realities. There is an arc of development during the course of the month that leads you through extreme idealism affirming your highest intention for yourself and on to the practicalities of your actual situation. You win when you mediate smoothly between these varied viewpoints, honoring each in its proper place.

As the month begins you are pulled to the inside. This is a time when you are drawn away from the outer events of ordinary reality and into a dreamtime universe of your own creation. The Solar Eclipse that begins the month is action-oriented, but for you signals activity that is taking place within your own deep center. You don't always give enough credit to your unconscious process although it may be quite the richest part of your experience, and this monthly cycle gives you the chance to explore these more hidden parts of your nature. You may find at this time that your dreams are profound and redolent with powerful information. It might be a good time to write them down. It is quite possible to get your dreams down on paper if you keep a journal and writing instrument beside your bed and set for yourself the intention to awaken with your dream experience available to you for transcribing. It is important not to let either the distraction of the world of outer events nor the dream imagery of your inner cosmos take you away completely. Balance is key. The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 8th, indicates a time of trial in getting everything that you want out of your life experience, and may represent a chance to seek integration over polarization. A few days later, on the 10th, your ruler Mercury enters your sign, and you are stepping out more bravely and firmly into connection with others. Although you are more social and available at this time, you may find that you exist in a changed universe. At this time also you may find that a shadow comes between you and the realization of what you may now perceive as your most appropriate pathway forward, the one task that you were set into this life to master and to give. At the time of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse another week later on, taking place on Saturday, the 16th, you may reach a fulfillment of this idea, or possibly feel unsure of which road to follow. You are very idealistic at this time, and very aware of inner rather than outer priorities, but it makes for confusion in dealing with the so-called real world. The Last Quarter Moon, taking place on August 23rd, is also a testing time. The Sun enters your sign, and you may feel torn between private and public accomplishment, and as a result come to a better understanding of the parameters of your situation. The remainder of the month will be spent in attempting to reorient yourself to the changing horizons of your world and in accommodating a new sense of practical necessity that takes your inner priorities more firmly into account.


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