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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August Report for Aquarius

Aquarius (21 Jan ~ 19 Feb)
Fixed Air. Your ruling planets are Uranus and Saturn.

This is a potentially tumultuous month for you, Aquarius, leading you to profound realizations. Partnership with others contributes mightily to your own development right now, both financially and in terms of evolving values. Your highest ideal for yourself moving forward is a changing landscape at this time, and depends on outer world activity syncing up with interior vision. Meaningful change takes concrete shape around month's end and on into September. At the time of the Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the weekend of August 16th you will reap the fruits of existing partnership alliances and your own inner work, and also entertain revolutionary new conceptions that pave the way for further transformation.

As the month begins, with the Solar Eclipse in your partnership sector, you are more fully aware than ever of significant persons in your life, and of relationships of all kinds, both business and personal. The concept of yourself as a single agent in the world is obsolete for you right now. The trick of course is to make sure that you honor the effective boundary of where you stop and the other begins. Any dysfunctional patterns of how you show up in the world are likely to impinge on this trait of self-containment and will become highlighted for you now. You are seeking your independence, just as you always do, but with a slight edge in both stick and carrot for your process of self-discovery. With the First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 8th, you will run up against a barrier to greater achievement in the form of hidden obstacles inherent in your approach and perhaps as well unconscious doubts that translate into conflicts, large or small, with others around you. You are in the process of transcending old tapes that have dictated your behavior from a more or less unconscious basis. These patterns, usually stemming from incidents of childhood, were appropriate in their era but have since become quirks that hold you back from the fullest experience of who you really are. As long as these are ignored or worse, shunned, by your conscious mind they will continue to fester. The key, therefore, is to accept yourself fully at all levels, warts and all, and to come to a better integration, and this period of tension may actually serve to help you in this process of recognition. This is a time when you must pay close attention to everything that happens, as if every action and reaction might hold the clue to your release. You are seeking breakthrough, and if you attend fully to your inner world you just might find it. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that follow along a week later represents a climax of some sort in the arc of your development reflected in the monthly cycle. You are exploring mysteries of self and other at this time, finding in your own depths the answer to the riddle of your existence, but leaning out to significant partners as well, ideally only to a certain minimum depth and no further. For the later half of the month you are closely involved in your own transformation, seeing dispassionately to the core of your life but seeing the surface also, as is necessary for you who spend your time mainly in the physical world. Although, you must always remember, not entirely.

August Report for Pisces

Pisces (20 Feb ~ 20 Mar)
Mutable Water. Your ruling planets are Neptune and Jupiter.

A climactic month unfolds for you, Pisces, in the midst of a big year. After exploring your uniqueness in new ways for many weeks now there are still a few curve balls that Spirit has left to throw at you. Enthusiastically interfacing directly with the mundane world has not prevented you from tuning in to the infinite with a large part of your attention. These opposite poles of experience are both powerfully present for you in the current month, and you benefit extremely from witnessing and enjoying the dance between them. In the latter half of August you are drawn even more strongly to your life purpose. You are finding ideals of spiritual service at this time all on your own and also through the agency of others.

As the month begins, you are enjoying the forward momentum of the Solar Eclipse taking place in your sector of discipleship to your highest purpose. You are always vaguely aware, perhaps entirely, of your attempts to find the meaning implicit in your days, and now you are even more totally connected with this idea. This refers to your dharma, or that unique task that you have come into this life to perform. Although there is the pleasure side of life, and the avoidance of pain, and love and giving to others, you may be coming to the important realization that life is essentially a hollow exercise without some sense of its ultimate purpose for you and you alone. In the final analysis this sense of meaning comes from finding your true calling. With this powerful lunation, taking place on the very first day of the month, you find yourself engaged full-on in this activity. There is likely to be an unconscious element of dissatisfaction that hinders your search that you will also have to come to terms with as the month unfolds. The First Quarter Moon that comes along a week later, on Friday, August 8th, may represent a few bumps on the road of your progress. You are attempting to understand your life in terms that are greater than the run of the mill day-to-day activity that makes up so large a part of ordinary patterns of endeavor, and this is a time when you must truly step up to the plate and make it happen or else wisely retire your own side and cease trying. This is also a time when you may be forced to recognize that your goals are not entirely of this world, but correspond to the unseen one all around you. You are largely spiritual in your nature. Obstacles you do run into at this point may serve to remind you of the bigger picture implicit in your striving. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that follows another week later, on Saturday, August 16th, represents a sense of culmination, a feeling that you can achieve at least some part of what you are attempting, and brings you to the point of sharing with others what until now has been a more or less solitary exercise. By the time of the next phase of this monthly cycle, kicked off by the Last Quarter Moon of Saturday, August 23rd, you are somewhat older and wiser, and ready, in the words of the aphorism, to accept what you cannot cure. This is a thoughtful time, and again at this juncture you benefit from the mentorship of others around you, who may provide a necessary buffer against the slings and arrows of ordinary reality. There is of course no substitute for your own judgment in these matters. You will want to watch out for and avoid consensus thinking, but you might welcome the feedback and support of like-minded individuals whose views chime with your own. It does take courage to swim against the tide. Building status or a large bank account may have to take a back burner. In ay case it is important to recognize that what you have going on is much bigger than anything quite so simple.

August Report for Aries

Aries (21 Mar ~ 20 Apr)
Cardinal Fire. Your ruling planet is Mars.

This month you are feeling your way toward concepts of collective service, Aries. Just when you are summoning up your own unique individuality, it is also somehow the very time when you have it within you to be of selfless assistance to humanity at large. At the very beginning of the month, the Solar Eclipse in your sector of creative self-expression brings verve and excitement along with it, while another and very different stage comes later in the month. On the weekend of August 16th with the Lunar Eclipse, you will reap the fruits of your efforts or else be faced with the diffusion of your motivation that indicates where you might have to do further work on your overall plan. Either way there are important lessons to be learned.

As the month begins, with the Solar Eclipse that conjures romance and excitement in your life, or at least that ideal, you have tremendous energy available for self-transcendence. You are seeking a new way of being in the world and the solution that seemed unreachable only yesterday appears suddenly as if by magic. Idealism lights your way, and although partnership interaction in your life may be nebulous at this time, it is certainly stimulating. Your purpose is firmly set on becoming the person you were always meant to be and yet there may be a shadow between you and your goal, a hint of old patterns that used to form part of an important coping mechanism in earlier times but are now simply in the way. As the first week of the month unfolds, you will be amazed at the unexpected fresh information that flows from your deep intuition and that may not even be capable of being rendered into words. As you explore more closely the circumstances underlying your fear of success and the patterns of behavior that no longer serve you, you may come to the crux of the matter at the time of the First Quarter Moon. This takes place on Friday, August 8th, coming along perfectly between the eclipses. With this suspension of time, when cross-currents mar your ability to smoothly glide forward, you can get a great deal of information regarding your situation if you pay close attention to everything that is happening to you. The ideal world that you imagine for yourself may be forced to yield somewhat at this juncture. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that follows along another week later emphasizes again the ideal in your mind, and you are also challenged at this time to attempt to discern truth from illusion in your dealings with the world around you. The Last Quarter Moon of Saturday, August 23rd, may find you sadder but wiser, and also enhances your own simply derived concepts with the input of significant others in your life, presumably for the better. You are on the verge of breakthrough in your career and in the way that you show up in the world in general, and this pivotal month provides a fulcrum for activity that will only complete later in the year. You have a great desire at this time to plug yourself more fully into the life of society around you, and you are seeing your way through to doing so. Of course you must mediate between the extremes of merely sticking your toe into the water and diving in head-first by dangerous impulse.

August Report for Taurus

Taurus (21 April ~ 21 May)
Fixed Earth. Your ruling planet is Venus.

This is a month of dreaming your purpose into being, Taurus. From the very beginning of August you find yourself wandering among sacred spaces of otherworldly energies, while a week or so later, leading up to the mid-month Lunar Eclipse in your career sector, the practical side of your motivation holds sway. The good news is that these different impulses can work together quite successfully when you remember that this physical life is only a game that while you are playing for keeps is not to be taken so seriously that you exclude magical possibility from your process.

As the month begins, you are enjoying a nebulous freedom of action, honoring your ideals in a fresh new way, and responding to the deep call within you of family ties and attention paid to the roots of your being. With the August 1st Solar Eclipse New Moon taking place in your sector of home and family concerns, you are likely to be sticking close to home at this time, if not in actual physical presence, then psychologically. This is an amazing period for you, when your highest ideals are stimulated and when you are on the verge of breakthrough at each moment concerning what you intend for your future self. There is a fine line between idealism and self-deception and you must also beware at this time of too great a detachment from concrete practicality. Fortunately ñ or perhaps in the way of coming down ñ you are pulled back to reality at the time of the First Quarter Moon, taking place on Friday, August 8th. This Sun-Moon square that comes along between the eclipses represents a moment of tension in your process, and a time when you are deadly serious regarding your self-expression. Over the next few days you might feel stifled somewhat, as your ruler Venus conjuncts taskmaster Saturn, which counter-balances the wild-eyed enthusiasm that is also prevalent in your cosmic make-up right now. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Saturday, August 16th, emphasizes the ideal once more, but now tempered with a dose of practicality so that you have the best of both worlds. This is a time of balance and of the full-flowering of the impulse that originated with the New Moon and that has brought you thus far in your process. You are also empowered to share your vision with others around you now, so that speaking and writing about your feelings will be very rewarding for you at this time. The remainder of the month represents a process of assessment of where you are headed in your life these days and in contrast, where you would like to be. There may be a series of somewhat painful recognitions that will come over you as you make adjustments to your vision, but much of what you imagined at the start of this period will also remain intact, as a goal at least. You will be getting a better handle on what you truly want over the next several months and refining your sense of purpose as you do.

August Report for Gemini

Gemini (22 May ~ 21 June)
Mutable Air. Your ruling planet is Mercury.

This is an exciting month for you Gemini. Your career moves may be even more wonderfully chaotic than they have in recent weeks. If you haven't been noticing those "unexpected U-turn" signs you are likely to begin paying greater attention to them as August begins right off with surprising fireworks. Your usual goal of communication will be more than met at this time. Two weeks later, with the Lunar Eclipse, mystical thought process may confound you just as a heightened sense of practicality pulls you in the opposite direction. At least it is becoming obvious that the universe is trying to tell you something. It may be enough for now just to realize that simple and ultimately inescapable fact.

As the month begins, you are all about connecting with others in spoken or in written form, with the Solar Eclipse at the very beginning of the month taking place in your communications sector. Reaching out to others around you is in any case an important side of your basic nature, and this month you might get the chance to explore further ramifications of this mode of activity on your life. It is also an excellent time for writing or for journaling, especially so since you are also closely connected to a process of deep intuition right now that manifests in terms of your public statement that you make in the world; outer form as well as inner universe. You may find that you rather suddenly come to a new direction in your career at this time as a result, based not so strictly on logic but perhaps on some higher ideal. Unexpected turnings in professional life may take place at almost any time over these next several months. The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 8th, is another time of intensity, when you may further tune in as far as life direction and when the shadow of old patterns of belief may arise to temporarily block your way or at least make your path more difficult. These obstacles may also have the beneficial effect of refining you in your sense of purpose. At the time of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Saturday, the 16th, you are powerfully drawn to the mystical side of life as an explanatory principle. Although this is also a potentially confusing time, as intimations from beyond the physical collide with practical considerations, you might also find ease in accepting the mystery and letting go of expectation regarding outcomes. A week later on, the Last Quarter Moon of the 23rd may also give you pause in terms of getting things done, since it indicates a period of time when it is more natural to be than to do. This is a time when you might begin to make new sense of old circumstances. There are as many ways of thinking about the events of your life as there are days to ponder them, and you might find some contentment in simply allowing the universe to have its way with you as the puzzle pieces fall into place.

August report for Cancer

Cancer (22 June ~ 23 July)
Cardinal Water. Your ruling planet is The Moon.

You are going over Niagara Falls in a barrel this month, Cancer, but you will have company on your journey of discovery. It is a profound dance of self and other that you are experiencing in this monthly cycle with the powerful energy of these eclipse lunations that speak so directly to your heart. The crucial time might come right between them on August 8th. Then you will be challenged to move beyond your current comfort zone although this is nothing that you can't handle. The cosmos keeps providing you with these opportunities. You are set to transcend your previous limitations like the snake sheds his skin, not so much because you want to but because you have to in order that you become more whole.

As the month begins, you are feeling the effects of the powerful Solar Eclipse in your security sector. This is also the sector of finances and other resources, and of the material world in general, and you are likely to be very involved with the material side of life at this time, both the more obvious manifestation of concern, and potentially good luck, with finances and also with the shadow side of the material realm, although you might also be in the process of transcending it. We tend to be too tied to our possessions in this modern age, caught in a societal trap where constantly reinforcing mundane over spiritual values makes it difficult to think straight. You may dwell on the agony of over-dependence or else make a move to shed this thinking in your life. Sudden changes in your though process could arise over the course of the month as you wrestle with these issues. The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 8th, plants some obstacles in your road thereby providing food for thought, and also may indicate where you are stuck in circumstances that have not yet gelled into a full-on transformative approach. You may find that old patterns of behavior that have long outlived their current value for you lead you from below as it were, and that could be the case right now. Recognizing this is more than half the battle. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse coming along a week later, on Saturday, August 16th, brings up issues of self and other that are inherent in your situation so that synthesis is a potential solution. It may not be all one way or all another, even though logic may seem to indicate otherwise. This is a time when significant others in your life enter the picture more strongly. It may be difficult to tell which end is up unless you are willing to embrace the paradox and let go and let god. An altogether positive outcome can still be reached. The Last Quarter Moon of the 23rd represents a time when what you have gained in terms of wisdom and understanding may exceed the temporal rewards of actual achieved advantage. You are on the right path whether or not you know it with your conscious mind, and do well to gracefully yield wherever you cannot make further headway.

August Report for Leo

Leo (24 July ~ 23 Aug)
Fixed Fire. Your ruling planet is The Sun.

This is your moment to shine, Leo, as you glory in the Solar Eclipse in your sign taking place at the very beginning of the month. You are truly blessed right now and are out there in the world is a powerful new way, which is also at the same time productive of novel insights and personal metamorphosis. The mid-month Lunar Eclipse takes you in another direction, toward mystical partnership and toward the benefit of a darker and less known part of yourself. The most important thing for you to realize in your on-going process of self-coronation is that you equally must acknowledge your shadow parts that are not nearly as obvious but which complete you even as the sea completes the mountains that rise above it.

As the month begins, with a Solar Eclipse in your sign, you are on the verge of a breakthrough of some sort. This is an important month for you that may well clarify a condition of transformation that has been coming on for quite a while now. You are in some way an earthquake in the making, with the fault lines of where you are stuck receiving greater and greater pressure until they finally pop. Look out now. This type of shift may occur anytime over the course of this monthly cycle, in a moment, perhaps quite unexpectedly, but it needn't be a terrible thing. This redirecting of your life stream is an evolutionarily positive event that has the definite power to heal if you can only welcome it with open arms, rather than mourning the loss of an outmoded way of existence. The First Quarter Moon taking place on Friday, August 8th, could well represent one crux of this initial period. This period of time between the eclipses represents a moment of tension in your process, a time when you may find what works and what simply doesn't and be forced to take a definite action of one kind or another in response. Dysfunctional blueprints of partnership interaction and old tapes of reactive behavior could surface and contribute to the pressure for change. These ancient patterns, operating as they do from the outer darkness of unacknowledged trauma, likely stem from childhood wounds which, once accepted, cease to have power over you. Consciousness in these matters is the key. This is the month for it, with the solar energy flowing through you and your intuitional self highly charged as well. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Saturday the 16th may come as a culmination of your striving to find a way through the maze of your personality toward the desired goal of self-transcendence, and yet may also seem at least in part a muddle of confusion. As you attempt to integrate inner and outer fields of energy you are forging the equilibrium of self and other which is essential in order to get along with significant partners. Partnership in your life represents another important form of balance for you at this time, and another necessary form of integration. The final two weeks of this month represent a time of shape-shifting values and of attempting to match the new world that you seem to inhabit these days with a deeper understanding of your goals and life direction. Ready or not, you are reinventing yourself through your experiences of this present period and there is no use anymore to even try to deny it.

August Report for Virgo

Virgo (24 Aug ~ 23 Sept)
Mutable Earth. Your ruling planet is Mercury.

You are in for a wild ride this month, Virgo, partaking of both mundane world activity and interior meditation. Unexpected partnership interactions may fuel the fires of both sides of your process. The month begins with a bang, although a softly unfocused one, as the Solar Eclipse taking place in your sector of dream imagination makes you very aware of inner over outer realities. There is an arc of development during the course of the month that leads you through extreme idealism affirming your highest intention for yourself and on to the practicalities of your actual situation. You win when you mediate smoothly between these varied viewpoints, honoring each in its proper place.

As the month begins you are pulled to the inside. This is a time when you are drawn away from the outer events of ordinary reality and into a dreamtime universe of your own creation. The Solar Eclipse that begins the month is action-oriented, but for you signals activity that is taking place within your own deep center. You don't always give enough credit to your unconscious process although it may be quite the richest part of your experience, and this monthly cycle gives you the chance to explore these more hidden parts of your nature. You may find at this time that your dreams are profound and redolent with powerful information. It might be a good time to write them down. It is quite possible to get your dreams down on paper if you keep a journal and writing instrument beside your bed and set for yourself the intention to awaken with your dream experience available to you for transcribing. It is important not to let either the distraction of the world of outer events nor the dream imagery of your inner cosmos take you away completely. Balance is key. The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 8th, indicates a time of trial in getting everything that you want out of your life experience, and may represent a chance to seek integration over polarization. A few days later, on the 10th, your ruler Mercury enters your sign, and you are stepping out more bravely and firmly into connection with others. Although you are more social and available at this time, you may find that you exist in a changed universe. At this time also you may find that a shadow comes between you and the realization of what you may now perceive as your most appropriate pathway forward, the one task that you were set into this life to master and to give. At the time of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse another week later on, taking place on Saturday, the 16th, you may reach a fulfillment of this idea, or possibly feel unsure of which road to follow. You are very idealistic at this time, and very aware of inner rather than outer priorities, but it makes for confusion in dealing with the so-called real world. The Last Quarter Moon, taking place on August 23rd, is also a testing time. The Sun enters your sign, and you may feel torn between private and public accomplishment, and as a result come to a better understanding of the parameters of your situation. The remainder of the month will be spent in attempting to reorient yourself to the changing horizons of your world and in accommodating a new sense of practical necessity that takes your inner priorities more firmly into account.

August Report for Libra

Libra (24 Sept ~ 22 Oct)
Cardinal Air. Your ruling planet is Venus.

This is an important month for you Libra, determining whether you can put your mind and your mouth where your heart is. You are future-oriented at this time, sorting through the pieces of your past in order to reconstruct the basis for your life anew from a truly idealistic standpoint. An entirely blue-skies approach will naturally have its practical drawbacks, but the benefit of this time for you lies in precisely this same sense of naive optimism. A tricky mid-month period leads to lasting advantage by month's end, constituting a rebirth when you will put your vision into real-world practice, building your edifice upon the rock of inner faith.

As the month begins, with the Solar Eclipse taking place in your sector of group associations and future plans, you are likely thinking about goals and opportunities. The way that you fit yourself into society around you is very present to your mind at this time, since you don't want to be a cog in the wheels of machinery that you do not fully support. With the current political and economic climate you might be dismayed and also excited by the possibilities for a better and a cleaner world, and seeking to know how to do your part, or you could be imagining a different approach to your job or social groups that you favor. You are very idealistic right now, and perhaps reeling a bit from the lightening-like appearance of new information that shows you where you need to go, if only you have the good luck and the right timing and as well the courage to get there. This is an excellent time to set intention, since whatever it is that you sincerely wish for at this time has the uncanny power of coming true. The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 8th, may feel like trouble in paradise but it may also serve to clarify your aims. This is in some ways a difficult period, but in some ways a blessing since you will find out what you are up against. With the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Saturday, August 16th, you will come to a culmination of sorts, putting a capital on what you have been dreaming up over the previous two weeks. You are ready to share your ideals with others at this time, still partaking of a mystical attunement with your inner world, and with the goals of the universe working themselves out in you. The Last Quarter Moon a week further on brings with it an implicit understanding of where you are headed exactly right and where you might be off the beam somewhat. Through it all weaves a dependency on the working out of Spirit in your life as a primary step, and perhaps in the last analysis the most significant one of all.

August Report for Scorpio

Scorpio (23 Oct ~ 22 Nov)
Fixed Water. Your ruling planets are Mars and Pluto.

You are in for an exciting journey this month Scorpio, and a potentially confusing time as well, as you explore the roots of your being along with your more obvious outer world presentation. The very beginning of the month kicks off a period that is intense and magical and very active with the Solar Eclipse in your career sector. This brings a powerful emphasis to professional and working life concerns while you are also energized to envision new goals for yourself with startling and sudden clarity. Deep within your soul however you may feel a cloudy perception beginning to form that all is not right with your basic premise and you benefit when you choose to pay close attention to these feelings and explore them fully, in spite of the many distractions.

As the month begins, you are very involved with outer manifestation. The Solar Eclipse that takes place on the very first day of the month in your career sector stimulates you in important ways to be totally present with your achievement orientation while at the same time honoring yourself at a deeper level. You are seized with a new vision for future possibilities that grows stronger as the month wears on. Although in some ways you are far more external than internal right now, there is at the same time a mystical side to your nature that is calling out for your attention. The smart money is on taking this call very seriously, since the inner feeds the outer like your two eyes match each other in focusing on a distant promontory. At the time of the First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 8th, you might encounter a few glitches in your plan. A conflict may arise between public and personal goals, or important partnerships in your life could pose temporary roadblocks to your pre-conceived mission statement. These may cause you to re-evaluate where you are going and the desirable route to take to get there. Over the entire week leading up to this juncture, it is also likely that surprising information surfaces rather suddenly, and causes you to make necessary course corrections. Taking a more well-rounded approach is always recommended. It is important to take your personal evolution into account since you are changing every day and you can no longer step again into the same river, much as you might try to hold a steady and fixed image of yourself. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that comes along a week later, on Saturday, August 16th, may clear the air somewhat and yet cause sparks to fly as you attempt to adjust to a new way of looking at things. These trials may however also aid in providing an integrating factor between the outer and inner parts of your spiritual anatomy. A reliance on Spirit is blossoming within you at this time, antithetical to the outer trappings of business as usual but somehow in support of it as well. Another phase to your ultimate understanding of your situation arrives over the next two weeks, a time that is less significant in terms of activity and more in wisdom gained. This is a confusing time in your life, all in all, and the mid-month period of the Luna Eclipse may also reinforce this viewpoint, but you win when you take everything that happens as it comes, as something given, a fluid offering from the universe to direct to you in your own best interest, however appearances might seem to indicate to the contrary.

August Report for Sagittarius

Sagittarius (23 Nov ~ 21 Dec)
Mutable Fire. Your ruling planet is Jupiter.

These days are mystical and intense but of great value for your future self, Sagittarius. The ground beneath your feet might be shaky right now, but this at least provides you with much food for thought. Security subtracted has its obvious drawbacks, but it does have a beneficial influence on your mental process. There are adjustments that you must be making to the way that you communicate with others around you in order to keep up with the pace of the information coming in. You are feeling your way through to a better understanding of yourself and your world and it helps to pay close attention to everything that happens over the course of the ongoing development.

As the month begins you are no doubt feeling the energy of the Solar Eclipse in your sector of higher mind. This is also a call for new horizons and you may be planning travel of the physical or of the armchair variety as a way of broadening your scope. The ultimate benefit for you may reside in terms of the perspective it brings, since getting out of your immediate surroundings on even a temporary basis gives you another standpoint from which to view your current situation. As Archimedes famously remarked, a lever and a place to stand is all that is needed to move the earth, and in this case the lever is your mind. Intuitive sparks will come to you over the roughly four-week period of this monthly cycle that require no words but that inform your viewpoint nonetheless. You are renewing yourself at the core levels of your personality as well as within the sphere of the more mental and the philosophical. This makes for insecurity, and the feeling that you cannot rely on much of anything anymore, but it also presents you with the unprecedented freedom to be yourself, right down to the ground. At the time of the First Quarter Moon, taking place on Friday, August 8th, you will be more aware of your developments in these areas and of the potential difficulties inherent in this arc of development for you. This may have the effect of sidetracking you from your primary mission, but may also add new information that helps you to define your purpose. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Saturday, August 16th represents another crucial period when you may feel the confusion of too many choices, or of spiritual priorities contrasting with those of simple here and now activity. Your spoken and written communication may blossom at this juncture, and may have a clarifying effect overall. Through all these mental migrations you are getting set for a breakthrough in the physical and career-oriented world taking place at the end of the month.

August Report for Capricorn

Capricorn (22 Dec ~ 20 Jan)
Cardinal Earth. Your ruling planet is Saturn.

It's a changing climate emotionally for you these days, Capricorn, and philosophically as well. You may be in the process of discovering that there is more to life than you were previously ready to acknowledge. This is a month when your sense of logic is falling soggy dead and your values are morphing along with your sense of who you really are, especially during the second half. What you can take away from the experience by the end of the month is a better self-definition that as the poet says includes multitudes, and excludes nothing, and this in the long run makes you stronger both physically and mentally.

As the month begins, you are primed for big changes, with the Solar Eclipse that begins the month taking place in your sector of intimacy and personal transformation. It's time to recognize that there are others in your life, and that they are more important for you than you have perhaps been willing to recognize. The prescription is to balance the good vibes and the energy that you receive with your own understanding of where you are going, and the good news is that you are in a good place to do that very thing. With the First Quarter Moon coming along a week later, on Friday, August 8th, there may be some bumps in the road that you will have to negotiate, but essentially, all is well. You are your own cheerleader these days, pulling for your own sense of security, in your own way, and there may be the underbrush of old patterns to clear out before you are fully ready to move yourself along in the desired direction. All this is the fruit of a longer cycle of change that you are in the midst of since the time of your birthday, or thereabouts, with an important transition over the next thirty days. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse taking place on Saturday, August 16th, re-emphasizes the tango of self and other that you are currently engaged in, and brings a degree of culmination to your thought process. You continue to puzzle over the area of security and a sense of your own resources, apart from the resources of others. This mid-month time may also be a time of conflicting values and confusion over what your finances may look like going forward. The upside of these question marks is a better sense of your essential self, independent from the various market fluctuations and the shifting tides of consensus thinking. With the advent of the Last Quarter Moon, on the 25th, you are feeling ultimate solution in terms of knowledge gained, of sense rather than dollars and cents. Dramatic realizations that impart your more mystical and true situation may come to you over the last week of the month and on into September.

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