August Report for Leo
Leo (24 July ~ 23 Aug)
Fixed Fire. Your ruling planet is The Sun.
This is your moment to shine, Leo, as you glory in the Solar Eclipse in your sign taking place at the very beginning of the month. You are truly blessed right now and are out there in the world is a powerful new way, which is also at the same time productive of novel insights and personal metamorphosis. The mid-month Lunar Eclipse takes you in another direction, toward mystical partnership and toward the benefit of a darker and less known part of yourself. The most important thing for you to realize in your on-going process of self-coronation is that you equally must acknowledge your shadow parts that are not nearly as obvious but which complete you even as the sea completes the mountains that rise above it.
As the month begins, with a Solar Eclipse in your sign, you are on the verge of a breakthrough of some sort. This is an important month for you that may well clarify a condition of transformation that has been coming on for quite a while now. You are in some way an earthquake in the making, with the fault lines of where you are stuck receiving greater and greater pressure until they finally pop. Look out now. This type of shift may occur anytime over the course of this monthly cycle, in a moment, perhaps quite unexpectedly, but it needn't be a terrible thing. This redirecting of your life stream is an evolutionarily positive event that has the definite power to heal if you can only welcome it with open arms, rather than mourning the loss of an outmoded way of existence. The First Quarter Moon taking place on Friday, August 8th, could well represent one crux of this initial period. This period of time between the eclipses represents a moment of tension in your process, a time when you may find what works and what simply doesn't and be forced to take a definite action of one kind or another in response. Dysfunctional blueprints of partnership interaction and old tapes of reactive behavior could surface and contribute to the pressure for change. These ancient patterns, operating as they do from the outer darkness of unacknowledged trauma, likely stem from childhood wounds which, once accepted, cease to have power over you. Consciousness in these matters is the key. This is the month for it, with the solar energy flowing through you and your intuitional self highly charged as well. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Saturday the 16th may come as a culmination of your striving to find a way through the maze of your personality toward the desired goal of self-transcendence, and yet may also seem at least in part a muddle of confusion. As you attempt to integrate inner and outer fields of energy you are forging the equilibrium of self and other which is essential in order to get along with significant partners. Partnership in your life represents another important form of balance for you at this time, and another necessary form of integration. The final two weeks of this month represent a time of shape-shifting values and of attempting to match the new world that you seem to inhabit these days with a deeper understanding of your goals and life direction. Ready or not, you are reinventing yourself through your experiences of this present period and there is no use anymore to even try to deny it.
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