August report for Cancer
Cancer (22 June ~ 23 July)
Cardinal Water. Your ruling planet is The Moon.
You are going over Niagara Falls in a barrel this month, Cancer, but you will have company on your journey of discovery. It is a profound dance of self and other that you are experiencing in this monthly cycle with the powerful energy of these eclipse lunations that speak so directly to your heart. The crucial time might come right between them on August 8th. Then you will be challenged to move beyond your current comfort zone although this is nothing that you can't handle. The cosmos keeps providing you with these opportunities. You are set to transcend your previous limitations like the snake sheds his skin, not so much because you want to but because you have to in order that you become more whole.
As the month begins, you are feeling the effects of the powerful Solar Eclipse in your security sector. This is also the sector of finances and other resources, and of the material world in general, and you are likely to be very involved with the material side of life at this time, both the more obvious manifestation of concern, and potentially good luck, with finances and also with the shadow side of the material realm, although you might also be in the process of transcending it. We tend to be too tied to our possessions in this modern age, caught in a societal trap where constantly reinforcing mundane over spiritual values makes it difficult to think straight. You may dwell on the agony of over-dependence or else make a move to shed this thinking in your life. Sudden changes in your though process could arise over the course of the month as you wrestle with these issues. The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 8th, plants some obstacles in your road thereby providing food for thought, and also may indicate where you are stuck in circumstances that have not yet gelled into a full-on transformative approach. You may find that old patterns of behavior that have long outlived their current value for you lead you from below as it were, and that could be the case right now. Recognizing this is more than half the battle. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse coming along a week later, on Saturday, August 16th, brings up issues of self and other that are inherent in your situation so that synthesis is a potential solution. It may not be all one way or all another, even though logic may seem to indicate otherwise. This is a time when significant others in your life enter the picture more strongly. It may be difficult to tell which end is up unless you are willing to embrace the paradox and let go and let god. An altogether positive outcome can still be reached. The Last Quarter Moon of the 23rd represents a time when what you have gained in terms of wisdom and understanding may exceed the temporal rewards of actual achieved advantage. You are on the right path whether or not you know it with your conscious mind, and do well to gracefully yield wherever you cannot make further headway.
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