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Monday, July 28, 2008

July Report for Scorpio

Scorpio (23 Oct ~ 22 Nov)
Fixed Water. Your ruling planets are Mars and Pluto.

You are pulling hard this month for a future that you can really live with, Scorpio. Perhaps it is not so surprising that this idea springs directly from your recent inner struggles and perambulations. You have been lead into new realizations lately by a circuitous route through the depths of your own heart. Others in your life are important to you right now, and mirror your process, although by no means do they supply any part the ultimate solution that you seek. That path is for your steps alone to follow. Later on in the month, inspired communication within the circle of your peers leads you further still into your own epiphany.

As the month begins, you find yourself both dedicated to establishing yourself in a position where you can be of true service to the surrounding collective and having some difficulty in making it happen, or at least not as quickly as you would like it to. This is a deeply philosophic time period for you and everything that happens to you right now is grist for your mental mill. As you puzzle over where you are headed you equally are putting your mind to work on where these ideas fit into the bigger picture. The New Moon that begins the month on July 2nd supplies energy for your process of growth and understanding. The conjunction, also at this time, of your ruler Mars with stodgy Saturn in you sector of wishes and hopes provides a frustratingly slowing effect that increases the pressure in your mind and heart but does not allow rapid movement. The tension may come to a head around the time of the First Quarter Moon of Wednesday, July 9th, when you encounter further snags in what you are trying to accomplish and when your will to be different is strong as you explore your own unique solution to your process of change. This is also a time when your core issues may become more exposed to the light of higher awareness, with ultimately beneficial results. From this mid-week period up to the time of the Full Moon late in the following week, taking place on Friday, July 18th, your communication is very positive and upbeat as you find the right note for yourself by outlining your position with others verbally or in writing. Journaling is an excellent practice for you. The Last Quarter Moon that comes along on Friday, July 25th, is a time of summing up the period of the previous three weeks when you can take powerful lessons forward into the future. You are preparing for a major emergence into action by the end of the month as you bring forward the insights gained during these last two weeks fully to bear.


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