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Monday, July 28, 2008

July Report for Gemini

Gemini (22 May ~ 21 June)
Mutable Air. Your ruling planet is Mercury.

It is a new you that you are facing with this monthly transition, Gemini. You are transforming once again at the very core of your being in order that you get the most out of your varied experience. The basic optimism of your situation is compelling, as you journey toward a renewed faith in yourself and a better understanding of what makes you tick. Reaching for greater emotional connection with others, you may find a deeper connection with yourself in the process. You are delving down into your depths for a very different take on things that takes the spaces between your words more fully into account, rather than the words themselves.

As the month begins, you might find yourself in edgy circumstances or at least unexpected ones. The period of the retrograde of your ruler Mercury has not fully passed until the end of this first week of July, and the issues that were present for you over the previous five weeks are in some ways only just now coming to a useful conclusion. Since Mercury has been in collusion with Uranus over this entire period, one of its hallmarks has been a tendency for unexpected events to sidetrack your days and this characteristic might return over the first few days of July. The deeper purpose of unexpected events is to shock your system out of its customary slumber, even if only for a moment, and to open you to a wider vision of what is possible, what one writer has called the "freedom from the known." These first days of the month are also of course also the occasion for the New Moon, which takes place on July 2nd in your resources sector. This makes for a fresh start with finances as well as with other forms of physical security, and the potential is there for unexpected windfalls during this time. Anything that is started during this period will have greater momentum than usual, although course corrections may be necessary later on. One especially dicey period in this regard is the few days surrounding the July 9th First Quarter Moon, when the potential is there in any case for mis-steps, and when additional pressure might be symbolized for you by Mercury changing signs the very next day. This is a time when you might more clearly see the inherent limitations of a particular position that you have taken as recently as the previous week, and when adjustments might have to be made an to your original stance. The Full Moon of the following week, taking place on Friday, July 18th, is likely to be a much happier and more peaceful time, when you are stimulated to share your story with others and when your optimism runs high for fairy tale solutions that could actually come true as long as you remember not to look down. During the last half of the month you find yourself in a philosophical stance and more ready to communicate your intention to others around you.


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