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Monday, July 28, 2008

July Report for Capricorn

Capricorn (22 Dec ~ 20 Jan)
Cardinal Earth. Your ruling planet is Saturn.

Partnership with others around you is your current mantra, Capricorn, you who are so used to going it alone. This does not mean that you are giving over your individuality. On the contrary, you are finding more sides of yourself to explore than ever, partly with the help of those around you. Their perspective enhances your own, really, as you find a bit of yourself in all that you encounter within the psyches and the minds of important partners in your life. Incredible and exciting new viewpoints are sprouting like mushrooms in the little visited area of your deep unconscious and you do well to pay heed to them whenever they grace you with their presence and emerge, however briefly, into the light.

As the month begins, you are feeling an active sense of participation with significant partners in your life and with taking on a big picture viewpoint that includes more facets of yourself than is normally given credit for in the linear and literally-minded culture that surrounds you. You have been mulling over how your life fits together with your higher purpose for the last month or so and this current time frame may provide some answers to even your unspoken questions. The New Moon that practically begins the month on Wednesday July 2nd gives you a fresh start in all these areas, and particularly in the area of your relationship connections. Others can be helpful to you right now in the very sense of their otherness, since different viewpoints than your own can aid you in forging new pathways for yourself. The days around the First Quarter Moon of the middle of the following week, taking place on July 9th, represent a very interesting period of time when you will feel compelled by circumstances to toughen up your attitude and either as they say, put up or shut up with respect to the process in which you are currently engaged. This is also a time period when old patterns of behavior from your early life may come to your attention for acceptance and recognition as part of an important process of renewal. Your very identity is linked in some profound fashion to your core beliefs and your interior process and you do well to recognize it. At the time of the Full Moon taking place a week later on Friday, July 18th, there will be both a form of resolution and a continuation of this edge, one that takes others in your life more fully into account as a stepping-stone to your own process of increasing self-awareness. Through these last two weeks of the month you are exploring new ways of being in and understanding more completely the world around you.


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