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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August Report for Aries

Aries (21 Mar ~ 20 Apr)
Cardinal Fire. Your ruling planet is Mars.

This month you are feeling your way toward concepts of collective service, Aries. Just when you are summoning up your own unique individuality, it is also somehow the very time when you have it within you to be of selfless assistance to humanity at large. At the very beginning of the month, the Solar Eclipse in your sector of creative self-expression brings verve and excitement along with it, while another and very different stage comes later in the month. On the weekend of August 16th with the Lunar Eclipse, you will reap the fruits of your efforts or else be faced with the diffusion of your motivation that indicates where you might have to do further work on your overall plan. Either way there are important lessons to be learned.

As the month begins, with the Solar Eclipse that conjures romance and excitement in your life, or at least that ideal, you have tremendous energy available for self-transcendence. You are seeking a new way of being in the world and the solution that seemed unreachable only yesterday appears suddenly as if by magic. Idealism lights your way, and although partnership interaction in your life may be nebulous at this time, it is certainly stimulating. Your purpose is firmly set on becoming the person you were always meant to be and yet there may be a shadow between you and your goal, a hint of old patterns that used to form part of an important coping mechanism in earlier times but are now simply in the way. As the first week of the month unfolds, you will be amazed at the unexpected fresh information that flows from your deep intuition and that may not even be capable of being rendered into words. As you explore more closely the circumstances underlying your fear of success and the patterns of behavior that no longer serve you, you may come to the crux of the matter at the time of the First Quarter Moon. This takes place on Friday, August 8th, coming along perfectly between the eclipses. With this suspension of time, when cross-currents mar your ability to smoothly glide forward, you can get a great deal of information regarding your situation if you pay close attention to everything that is happening to you. The ideal world that you imagine for yourself may be forced to yield somewhat at this juncture. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that follows along another week later emphasizes again the ideal in your mind, and you are also challenged at this time to attempt to discern truth from illusion in your dealings with the world around you. The Last Quarter Moon of Saturday, August 23rd, may find you sadder but wiser, and also enhances your own simply derived concepts with the input of significant others in your life, presumably for the better. You are on the verge of breakthrough in your career and in the way that you show up in the world in general, and this pivotal month provides a fulcrum for activity that will only complete later in the year. You have a great desire at this time to plug yourself more fully into the life of society around you, and you are seeing your way through to doing so. Of course you must mediate between the extremes of merely sticking your toe into the water and diving in head-first by dangerous impulse.


Back to Basic Cooking said...

I have been anxiously waiting for the August Reading. Last month was amazing. I do the natal charts, but have not learned enough to do this type of fore casting. I will be adding this site to my astrology site. Thank you so much. I am going to be doing a product demonstration on Aug the 16 and it seems it will either break me or make me. Well see.

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