August Report for Aquarius
Aquarius (21 Jan ~ 19 Feb)
Fixed Air. Your ruling planets are Uranus and Saturn.
This is a potentially tumultuous month for you, Aquarius, leading you to profound realizations. Partnership with others contributes mightily to your own development right now, both financially and in terms of evolving values. Your highest ideal for yourself moving forward is a changing landscape at this time, and depends on outer world activity syncing up with interior vision. Meaningful change takes concrete shape around month's end and on into September. At the time of the Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the weekend of August 16th you will reap the fruits of existing partnership alliances and your own inner work, and also entertain revolutionary new conceptions that pave the way for further transformation.
As the month begins, with the Solar Eclipse in your partnership sector, you are more fully aware than ever of significant persons in your life, and of relationships of all kinds, both business and personal. The concept of yourself as a single agent in the world is obsolete for you right now. The trick of course is to make sure that you honor the effective boundary of where you stop and the other begins. Any dysfunctional patterns of how you show up in the world are likely to impinge on this trait of self-containment and will become highlighted for you now. You are seeking your independence, just as you always do, but with a slight edge in both stick and carrot for your process of self-discovery. With the First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 8th, you will run up against a barrier to greater achievement in the form of hidden obstacles inherent in your approach and perhaps as well unconscious doubts that translate into conflicts, large or small, with others around you. You are in the process of transcending old tapes that have dictated your behavior from a more or less unconscious basis. These patterns, usually stemming from incidents of childhood, were appropriate in their era but have since become quirks that hold you back from the fullest experience of who you really are. As long as these are ignored or worse, shunned, by your conscious mind they will continue to fester. The key, therefore, is to accept yourself fully at all levels, warts and all, and to come to a better integration, and this period of tension may actually serve to help you in this process of recognition. This is a time when you must pay close attention to everything that happens, as if every action and reaction might hold the clue to your release. You are seeking breakthrough, and if you attend fully to your inner world you just might find it. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that follow along a week later represents a climax of some sort in the arc of your development reflected in the monthly cycle. You are exploring mysteries of self and other at this time, finding in your own depths the answer to the riddle of your existence, but leaning out to significant partners as well, ideally only to a certain minimum depth and no further. For the later half of the month you are closely involved in your own transformation, seeing dispassionately to the core of your life but seeing the surface also, as is necessary for you who spend your time mainly in the physical world. Although, you must always remember, not entirely.
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